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Private Guided Volcano National Park Tour

Location: Hilo, Big Island

Tailor your preference during the half-day adventure through the breathtaking landscapes of Volcano National Park with our Private Guided Tour. Featuring a professional tour guide with 50 years of experience and knowledge, this is the most extensive, in depth, and thorough tour of the Volcano National Park available.

The tour offers a unique combination of driving and walking, allowing you to explore more than the usual paths. Meet inside the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and follow your knowledgeable guide in your own vehicle to discover hidden gems and remote sites that few visitors ever witness. Perfect for those eager to delve deeper and personalize their journey, this tour promises not only a glimpse but an in-depth exploration of the park's natural wonders.

What to Expect

Start at the meeting point within Volcano National Park, where you'll be greeted by your personal guide. After a brief orientation, your private tour of Volcano National Park commences with a 1-2 mile walking tour across the flat, easily navigable terrain around the expansive Halemau'mau Crater, renowned for its breathtaking, wide-open vistas. As you traverse the trail, you'll encounter steam vents and vibrant sulphur banks, natural phenomena that provide a vivid glimpse into the geothermal activity beneath your feet. Your guide will make multiple stops along the way, offering detailed narration that enriches your understanding of the area’s unique features.

Next, head off in your rental car, following your guide to the first of several carefully selected locations. This driving segment of the tour is customized to align with your interests and hiking abilities, ensuring each stop enriches your personal connection with the park. Depending on your preferences, you might explore the enchanting Thurston Lava Tube, a natural tunnel formed by flowing lava, where you can walk through a cathedral-like space that echoes with the whispers of ancient geological marvels. Another stop could be the majestic Hōlei Sea Arch, where the relentless power of the ocean has sculpted the rugged coastline into a dramatic natural archway—a testament to nature’s artistry. Alternatively, the Puʻu Loa Petroglyphs offer a direct link to the past, where thousands of carvings tell the rich stories of early Hawaiian culture and beliefs, set against the backdrop of stark lava fields. Each location is brought to life through vivid descriptions and the historical and cultural significance they hold, making them not just stops on a tour, but gateways to a deeper understanding of this unique volcanic landscape.

As your Private Guided Volcano National Park Tour draws to a close, you'll take in the invaluable insights and enriching experiences that your personal guide has provided—elements you might have missed on a group tour or exploring alone. With tailored narratives and expert navigation through hidden gems of the park, your guide ensures a connection to the volcanic landscape that goes beyond the surface. This personalized journey offers not just a tour, but an educational adventure that deepens your understanding and appreciation of Hawaii's most natural wonder.


  • Expert personal guide for in-depth exploration and narration
  • Customized itinerary tailored to your interests and physical capabilities
  • Access to exclusive areas within Volcano National Park not typically covered in standard tours
  • Personal walking tour around Halemau'mau Crater, exploring steam vents and sulphur banks
  • Guided visits to significant sites deep in the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
  • Comprehensive discussions on Kilauea's geology, history, culture, and its significance in ancient Hawaiian religion


  • Participants must have their own vehicle as the guide does not provide transportation.
  • Suitable for all fitness levels, but the walking route can be adjusted to accommodate specific physical needs or preferences.
  • Be prepared for varying weather conditions; bring appropriate clothing and footwear.


4 hours


Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park

Cancellation Policy

Epic Volcano Park Tour - All Tours Booked and Canceled will be charged a 25% fee for processing. Cancellations 48 hours or more before departure receive a 75% refund. Cancellations less than 48 hours before departure will not receive a refund.

Volcano Photography Tour - If you book a tour and cancel we will charge a minimum of 25% for processing. 7 days or more before the tour you will receive a 50% refund. We will not refund tours less than 7 ahead of the tour (it is to close to the date to rebook) unless your tour date has to be canceled for weather.