North Shore EcoTours provides educational tours in an outdoor setting. Our goal is to provide the highest quality nature and Hawaiian culture tours in the industry. With the help of talented local staff and a private location that reflects O’ahu ’s incomparable natural environment, we believe that we are well equipped to do so. North Shore EcoTours, strives to preserve the cultural integrity of O’ahu’s natural resources by creating fun and engaging educational tours for our guests. We promote ‘āina (environmental) appreciation; respect for ‘ike Hawai’i (Hawaiian knowledge), sustainable communities, and healthy lifestyles. Our goal is to ho’omana lāhui (empower the nation) by contributing to the local economy, promoting healthy living, and strengthening cultural identity. We believe in: E ola pono, e ola nō (live complete, live well).
Departs from the Aloha General Store at the North Shore Marketplace in Haleiwa - 66-250 Kamehameha Hwy, Haleiwa, HI 96712
There is ample parking at the mall and public restrooms. When entering the parking lot head to the right hand section and park in the rear – Youʻll see the 4x4 Off-Road Van near the Aloha General Store ready to go!